Published on Tuesday, October 26 2021
Authors: Robert Auers and John Auers

Part 2 – U.S. Independent Refiners  In the first installment of our blog series on how the oil industry is responding to pressures pushing them to become “greener,” we profiled the various strategies being employed by International Oil Companies (IOC’s).  In today’s blog, we shift our focus to U.S.-based independent refiners.  These companies operate in both defined segments and geographic regions and, as a result their Energy Transition challenges and strategies, are more focused than those…

Published on Tuesday, September 28 2021
Authors: Robert Auers and John Auers

Part 1 – Integrated Oil Company Strategies  Back in 1970, when Led Zeppelin released, “Hey, Hey, What Can I Do,” (their only song not released on an album), the main issue facing the petroleum industry was whether enough oil could be found to meet the world’s ever-growing thirst for the “black gold.”  The theory of Peak Oil…

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