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  • Provide independent assessments and forecasts of regional, national and international crude oil, product balances and key prices/margins.
  • Detailed assessments of supply and demand dynamics for use in developing refining and marketing strategies.
  • Evaluation of market dynamics for use in facility and company strategy studies.
  • Develop forecasts of product balances for gasoline, distillates and fuel oil in specific major markets.
  • Assess regional crude and refined products supply/demand trends driving movements and infrastructure project developments.
  • Assessments of the key trends and drivers affecting crude oil, natural gas liquids and refined products trade flows to and from major refining centers.
  • Develop independent assessments of the long-term value of condensate streams produced in tight oil and conventional plays.
  • Assess the impact of regulatory initiatives on markets for specific crudes and products.

Exemplary Engagements:

  • Prepared global supply/demand balances for heavy and extra-heavy crude oils and forecasts of key light-heavy prices/differentials for a major Asian refiner and a large USGC refiner.
  • Developed an independent assessment of the value of light (43 to 50 API) crude streams produced out of the Permian Basin. The engagement included a market assessment for each crude grade, including an analysis of key market drivers, refining capabilities/limitations and other factors impacting price and demand.
  • Engagements with several major crude oil producers in Alberta, the Bakken, Permian, Eagle Ford and Uinta Basin to evaluate the capacities of refiners to process their streams and relative yield values and transport issues affecting market prices.
  • Multi-Client study of long-term (10-15 years), worldwide developments for the supply and demand of crude grades ranging from light, sweet to heavy, sour.
  • Market assessment of all product streams from a proposed Williston Basin refinery designed to run Bakken crude on behalf of project sponsors/investors.
  • Market assessments of products from Condensate Splitter projects in the U.S.
  • U.S. PADD II study of product demand for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. This included five-year forecasts of the main drivers of demand change, projections of volumes from indigenous (refinery) production, inter-PADD movements and imports.
  • Forecasts of Canadian crude movements to Chicago area refineries for a client evaluating a rail terminal acquisition.
  • Multi-Client study and forecast of worldwide petcoke supply and demand dynamics.
  • Subscription study of North American crude and condensates production forecasts and refining industry capacity to run specific grades.
  • Multi-Client global crude supply and demand study.
  • Supply/demand assessment and forecast of Uinta Basin waxy crude for a producer.


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