- Independent evaluations/audits of the fuels regulatory compliance status of refining and marketing facilities.
- Assessments of future expenditures required for remediation or closure activities.
- Representation regarding the assignment of environmental cleanup, remediation and future liabilities during mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.
- Negotiations with federal, state and local authorities regarding compliance issues.
- Staff training for gasoline, diesel and renewable fuels compliance regulations.
Exemplary Engagements:
- Assisted a biofuel producer review a range of processing schemes for co-processing units, as well as evaluating feedstock sources and injection points.
- Audited laboratories at each refinery of a multi-refinery system to satisfy court requirement.
- Audited refineries in the Midwest, Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountains to evaluate compliance with fuels regulations.
- Assisted biodiesel producers in France, Netherlands, Argentina on registering for, complying with, and reporting for, the U.S. federal renewable fuel program.
- Provided an industry association with a study on the economics of renewable diesel production.
- Performed several due diligence reviews, for refiners, of various renewable fuel suppliers, primarily biodiesel producers.
- Presentations to AFPM and individual companies on fuel regulations and implications for refiners.
- Performed an evaluation of a Gulf Coast renewable diesel producer on behalf of a prospective buyer.